A.C.E. Qualifications

New Zealand A.C.E. qualifications have been accepted by New Zealand Universities for over 2 decades! This is a great advantage for homeschooling families because young people with the ability and desire to attend a university or polytechnic will need to ask how they will be received when they apply. Anybody can present their case for entry but admissions personnel find it difficult to assess courses they don’t know.

A.C.E. Certificates for Secondary  Students

A.C.E. NZ does not follow the NCEA system for secondary qualifications, but offers their own academic qualifications. According to Te Pokai Tara Universities New Zealand:

“…the New Zealand Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) Level 3 Certificate is accepted by the New Zealand universities for admission ad eundem statum at entrance level. This means for the purposes of entrance to a university the qualification is deemed to be equivalent to the officially-established common entrance standard in this country.”

Academic Certificates

NZ A.C.E. Certificate of Achievement (12 credits)

This certificate is designed for students who intend to enter work directly from school and do not intend to enter any institution of higher learning. This certificate lists all the secondary level courses that the student has completed successfully.

NZ A.C.E. Level 1 Certificate (34 credits)

The Level 1 Certificate is our foundational level certificate. It recognises the student is able to achieve Level 1 (i.e. Year 11) in core subjects. Ten of the credits must be in core subjects.

NZ A.C.E. Level 2 Certificate (46 credits)

The Level 2 Certificate demonstrates the student’s ability to work at a higher academic level. Students with our Level 2 Certificate are eligible to be considered for discretionary entrance by New Zealand universities.

NZ A.C.E. Level 3 Certificate (58 credits)

This Certificate is accepted by New Zealand universities at the same level as the nationally-recognised standard for university entrance. Honours will be awarded where a student achieves excellence standard in at least five Level 3 courses.

We Are Here to Help

In order to gain an A.C.E. certificate families must have the oversight of a registered agency such as HENZ. All families registered with us are guided through the entire process of gaining A.C.E. qualifications. HENZ provides long-term goals for students who begin working on secondary level work and provides more detailed information on the certificates.

Institutions of Higher Learning which have Accepted Students with ACE Certificates


  • University of Auckland
  • University of Otago
  • University of Canterbury
  • Victoria University of Wellington
  • Lincoln University
  • University of Waikato
  • Massey University
  • Auckland University of Technology


  • UCOL: Palmerston North, Wanganui and Wairarapa
  • Otago Polytechnic
  • Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology
  • Tai Poutini Polytechnic
  • Eastern Institute of Technology


  • Manukau Institute of Technology
  • Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology
  • Wairiki Institute of Technology
  • North Tech.


  • Bethlehem Tertiary Institute
  • Seventh Day Adventist Teachers’ Training College
  • Laidlaw College
  • Natcoll Design Technology


  • NZ Army
  • Royal NZ Air Force
  • NZ Royal Navy